Service Learning
Don’t wait till the end of the year to complete your service learning hours! There are many opportunities available right now – both ongoing and onetime events.
Ongoing Service Learning Opportunities
Multiple YMCA Service Learning Opportunities
NEW volunteer opportunities with the Y:
Contact Anne Powell, Y Director at WSHS, at or 206-252-8778 to learn more about these opportunities.
- Final Event for YMCA Campaign Team (all are welcome and no experience necessary): Wednesday, March 30th in the WSHS Library, 4-8 p.m. Write thank you-letters, make phone calls to ask for donations, and more.
- Saturday monthly regional service projects with Earth Service Corps (next one: Saturday, April 9th)
- Healthy Kids Day on Saturday, April 16th, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the West Seattle Y (we usually have 25 WSHS volunteers helping out at this fun event for kids and families!)
- Volunteer 1-2 times per month with Parents Night Out! Parents go out to dinner…100 kids get a fun night of dinner, games, sports, and more at the West Seattle Y! Contact Jill Mudge at
Special Olympics Washington
Special Olympics WA has many opportunities to for student volunteers with our non-profit organization to obtain Service Learning Hours as well as experience a different way of life! There are multiple opportunities including:
- Interning in our offices downtown
- Attending tournaments as volunteers or Fans in the Stands
- Being a part of a Youth Activation Committee in which the student body embraces a change the culture in the school to one that is encompassing acceptance, anti-bullying, and unity!
Get Involved by Contacting:
Chara McElfish, Director of Project UNIFY
Special Olympics Washington or 509-714-0211
Seattle Head Start
Volunteer with Seattle Head Start! Lots of opportunities to help: Computer Coach, Reading Coach, Good Housekeeping Expert, Library Resources, Donation Diva, Art Area Assistant, Lunch Buddy…and more! Contact Sue Ferguson at 206-252-0977 to learn more.
Catholic Community Services’ Youth Tutoring Program
Volunteer to provide after-school academic assistance for low-income youth. Our students represent many cultures, religions, and academic levels. At the tutoring centers, youth work on homework and academic skill building with tutors. Must be 14 years or older to volunteer. Three ways to sign up – apply online at Catholic Community Services’ Youth Tutoring Program. Email us at, or call Bridget at 206-328-5970.
Northwest Harvest
Volunteers at our Kent warehouse: sort, repackage and label food for distribution to 360 food banks and hot meal programs around the state. We are committed to providing nutritious food to those in need in a way that respects their dignity. We have weekday volunteer shifts in Kent and Seattle. Kent also has an evening shift on Wednesdays. Interested youth should email or fill out an application to volunteer at Northwest Harvest.